
We may drive eachother crazy but we are family!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Howdy Yall

Authors note : I always have wished that I was a toy ! You can do anything you want !

Howdy yall, my name is Jessie! my best friend’s name is woody. He and I have been through so many trips . but my favorite trip is the trip underneath the Christmas tree. In fact Andy’s Christmas tree. My owners tree was filled with lights and other pretty dangling things.
                                Before I came here I was living In some very dark places like alleys and in other peoples rooms . I used to think I would never be adopted .  But then I was by a big man in a red suit ! We hoped onto a sleigh and rode to Andy’s house .
                When he opened me on Christmas morning he was ecstatic ! He played with  me all day !

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